Here is a great video from Nancy Lubin who works with young people on social change - on building a crisis text hotline...and getting real time data on crucial issues affecting children and young people.
Great video from 20//20 education movement - a big MEET UP in OXFORD 26th June.... and these guys worth your follow on twitter @2020education...find out more right there....
The four-minute animation covers cholera transmission, prevention, signs, and care in a simple and accessible way. Focuses on a little boy being involved in helping others and spreading messages. The film follows evidence-based guidelines. Vvrsions have been field-tested and reviewed for accuracy and content.
The Story of Cholera was produced in collaboration with award-winning animator Yoni Goodman.
It was the wonderful Professor David Morley who developed my appetite for inventions that solve health and health communications problems. Here is a wonderful invention from Practical Action that shows how to distill water from salty to drinking! I can see a group of teenagers building and managing this whole contraption, cant you?
A great animation of how we need to change education paradigms. Id recommend all of Ken's talks on TED and his books are great too. Although this is UK and USA focused, many of the education systems in other countries were established in a colonial era and we developed with similar characteristics to those we have in the north. The most powerful message for me in this talk is that we need to urgently wake up our children to the creative talent within - wherever we live.
I've discovered this video series about Molly - a 12 year old Kenyan living in a low income area in Nairobi, Kenya. I find the way that Molly's voice begins to be heard - inspiring. This is episode 6. I have watched most of them! I am inspired by the joyful crowd of children at the very end and their potential to act as health workers in their families and communities - not later after they have studied - but NOW!
I was also inspired today by watching some of the films made by Film Africa. Take a look.
Watch this great little video on how children learn....Click on the link.
I am preparing a power point today and came across this. I loved it and - if you prepare power points -so will you!
Global Hand Washing day is coming up on 15th October. I will be posting more about this during the week but here is something to get the week started in celebration of our wonderful hands.
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